Collegium for African Diaspora Dance (CADD)
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Collegium for African Diaspora Dance 2020 Call for Participation
Click here to review the 2020 conference theme and detailed call for participation before submitting your proposal.
Submissions for presentations (plenaries, panels, workshops, films, special events) may only be made online via this form. This form requests information on your proposed session and information about you and any co-presenters.
The deadline for submissions is October 11, 2019.
Indicates required field
Session Type: Please select one.
Paper Presentation (20 Minutes)
Workshop or Film (60 Minutes)
Panel - Pre-formed (90 minutes)
Please Choose One.
Session Title
Has this information been presented before? Please describe events and dates.
Line(s) of Inquiry: Please explain how your proposal addresses the conference theme (see CFP)
What is the ideal number of participants for your session?
Presentation Needs: The conference cannot guarantee that equipment needs will be met. It is suggested that presenters bring all equipment, peripherals and adapters for their presentation. Please select below:
Dance surface
Writing Surface
Session Description: Summarize the content of your session in 100 words or fewer. This description will be used in official correspondence materials if selected.
METHODOLOGY: How will information be delivered? Please give a detailed outline of your session. will be used to deliver information? Include any ways that active learning will be encouraged.
Presentation Tools and Resources: What materials, if any, will be used and/or distributed during your presentation?
Desired Space/Room Set-up: If you have particular space requirements for your presentation please describe here:
Lead Presenter/Session Coordinator Information
The Lead Presenter will be the main conference contact.
Lead Presenter Biography
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
How did you hear about this conference?
Are there additional presenters? If so, please enter their information below.
Co-Presenter #1: Please enter name and a brief biography.
Co-Presenter #2: Please enter name and a brief biography.
Co-Presenter #3: Please enter name and a brief biography.
Submit Your Proposal
Past Conferences
2024 Conference
2022 Conference
2020 Conference
2018 Conference
2016 Conference
2014 Conference
Executive Board
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